55 Plus Blog;

We will post news that is relevant to our membership here.

  • Monday, January 09, 2023 9:42 AM | Anonymous

    MT4C-IC is a toolkit to assist carers to persons living with dementia in care. It is a multiprovincial project, that has involved carers, researchers, organizations, and other stakeholders in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Québec.

    We are excited to be hosting a webinar on February 27, 2023, to share the story of MT4C-IC with the public. 

    MT4C-IC Save the Date EN.pdf

    We hope to see you there!

    Thank you very much for your time,


    Knowledge Translation Specialist


    College of Health Sciences
    Faculty of Nursing

  • Friday, January 06, 2023 12:09 PM | Anonymous

    Cyber-Seniors provides FREE technology training and support for senior citizens.  Need Technology Help?   Call...

    Technology Help

    1 844-217-3057

    Click below to browse all of their free programs! (Did you know there are free activities - including exercise classes!)

    Free Programs! 

    Click the button below to learn how to connect the older adults in your area

     How to Connect Seniors with Cyber-Seniors

  • Thursday, January 05, 2023 2:53 PM | Anonymous

  • Thursday, January 05, 2023 2:51 PM | Anonymous

  • Tuesday, January 03, 2023 10:03 AM | Anonymous

    News Release

    December 28, 2022


    Inaugural Event Featuring


    President and CEO Economic Development Winnipeg


    Lt.-Gov. Anita R. Neville invites Manitobans – particularly those who have never visited Government House before – to attend the first of a series of free public events designed to welcome Manitobans into Government House and showcase outstanding and inspiring Manitobans who, through words and deeds, continually work to make the province better for all.

    To kick off the series, Lt.-Gov. Neville is pleased to welcome very special guest Dayna Spiring.

    A visionary and enthusiastic community leader, Spiring will talk about her journey, her experiences along the way, and share some of the opportunities she sees for other women to make a mark on their community. Her passion for Winnipeg and its people is inspiring. She takes every opportunity to encourage Winnipeggers to celebrate everything their city has to offer. Plan to attend for a great conversation.

    The event will be held Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023, at Government House. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Program begins at 7 p.m.

    Light refreshments to follow.

    Those wishing to attend must register in advance with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor by calling 204-945-2753. Guests may reserve a maximum two seats per registration.

    Please note: Large bags and backpacks will not be permitted.

    Registration is now open. Seating is limited. There is no cost to attend.

    - 30 -

  • Tuesday, January 03, 2023 9:57 AM | Anonymous

    Just In Case:
    Learn what you need to get your ducks in a row

    Featuring: WRHA's Healthy Aging Resource Team
    Tuesday, January 10 | 10 a.m.

    Location: Zoom - get the link when you register

    Everybody talks about getting your ducks in a row - having your documents all ready to go in case of an emergency. Why is it important to do that and what documents are we talking about? Join us for this special HART presentation where uncover the list of documents you should have completed, organized and available just in case of an emergency.


  • Tuesday, January 03, 2023 9:55 AM | Anonymous

  • Thursday, December 08, 2022 10:35 AM | Anonymous
  • Thursday, December 08, 2022 10:33 AM | Anonymous
  • Thursday, December 08, 2022 9:47 AM | Anonymous

    MASC Members: 

    We are partnering with Rehabilitation Services, University of Manitoba. We are hoping that you will want to join us.....

    Dr. Amine Choukou, an Associate Professor in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Manitoba, needs your participation in a research study entitled:

    Creating a research roadmap for ambient assistive living (AAL) in Manitoba.

    The intention is to draw a roadmap to drive ambient assistive living (AAL) research and implementation in Manitoba and to enable older adults (OAs) to remain independently and safely in their homes, along with boosting the implementation of AAL technology in older adults (OAs) homes.

    The study involves your participation in two three-hour discussions about AAL held at the Health Sciences Center (Winnipeg). Lunch and soft drinks will be available for you at no cost. The researcher will arrange the schedules and escort you from HSC main entrance on 810 Sherbrooke Street in Winnipeg.

    Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time. If you would like to participate in the study please let me know by direct response to this email so I can share your email and name with Amine Choukou.

    Your participation in the research will be of great importance in building a road map that ensures that older Manitobans and their families will reinforce the meaningful engagement of OAs in research and implementation projects and their contribution to a successful AAL research agenda in Manitoba.

    Thank you for your time.


    Connie Newman, Executive Director

    Participants will sign individual consent forms by email and then:

    • We gather in the smart suite and the meeting room

    • We see mainly the finished smart suite

    • We see other technologies (for evaluation or monitoring or training), in our hands, or projected on TV

    • We discuss this around prepared questions

     • We enjoy lunch

    • We gather again after lunch for discussion and wrap up

    • Each session is approximately 3 hours

Archwood 55 Plus Inc is a non-profit organization serving seniors 55 plus located at  565 Guilbault Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R2J 0R2

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