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Tuesday, January 03, 2023 10:03 AM | Anonymous

News Release

December 28, 2022


Inaugural Event Featuring


President and CEO Economic Development Winnipeg


Lt.-Gov. Anita R. Neville invites Manitobans – particularly those who have never visited Government House before – to attend the first of a series of free public events designed to welcome Manitobans into Government House and showcase outstanding and inspiring Manitobans who, through words and deeds, continually work to make the province better for all.

To kick off the series, Lt.-Gov. Neville is pleased to welcome very special guest Dayna Spiring.

A visionary and enthusiastic community leader, Spiring will talk about her journey, her experiences along the way, and share some of the opportunities she sees for other women to make a mark on their community. Her passion for Winnipeg and its people is inspiring. She takes every opportunity to encourage Winnipeggers to celebrate everything their city has to offer. Plan to attend for a great conversation.

The event will be held Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2023, at Government House. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Program begins at 7 p.m.

Light refreshments to follow.

Those wishing to attend must register in advance with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor by calling 204-945-2753. Guests may reserve a maximum two seats per registration.

Please note: Large bags and backpacks will not be permitted.

Registration is now open. Seating is limited. There is no cost to attend.

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Archwood 55 Plus Inc is a non-profit organization serving seniors 55 plus located at  565 Guilbault Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R2J 0R2

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