Please go to the event page to register for all events. You must read and agree to the event waiver statement below prior to completing registration.
Event Waiver Statement:
I recognize that the activities of the program I will be participating in may have some inherent risks of engaging in this activity. By registering for this event, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to be aware of risks of engaging in this activity. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to be aware of these risks associated with the activity and to safeguard my person by ensuring that:
1. I am physically able/capable of the activity.
2. I exercise safety measures appropriate to the activity; and
3. I do not participate beyond my capabilities.
I understand that Archwood 55 Plus Inc. will attempt to provide the best possible leadership and instruction for the program I am joining. I acknowledge that Archwood 55 Plus Inc. only organizes activities and does not necessary possess any special skill or knowledge in relation to any of the activities. I also understand that Archwood 55 Plus Inc. is not responsible for any personal property I bring into the building.
Pickleball, Billiards and Games: For Members Only
Come and be social, meet other members & learn a new activity.
All of our activities are open to new players! Mondays and Thursdays 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM.