55 Plus Blog;
We will post news that is relevant to our membership here.
I have attached a link to the Pros Know Expo website:
They have a lot of resources for seniors attached to their site.
They will be having expos at a number of senior groups as the pandemic rules are being lifted. Good Neighbours will be hosting an expo in the next few months. It will be posted on the website once finalized.
Bill Bees
Snow Days at Archwood 55 Plus
Dear Members:
Archwood 55 Plus will be closed Thursday April 14, 2022 and Good Friday due to our latest storm. We will reopen on Monday.
Please stay safe and pray for spring!
Here is a link to an article that explores the theories on why pickleball is called pickleball. Hint: It does not involve pickled cucumbers.
For anyone that was wondering what pickleball was all about, here is a link to a short video that covers the basics.
Did you know that you can submit an address change here for Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg Water & Waste, BellMTS, Red River Co-op and more all in one spot: http://www.manitobaaddresschange.ca/.
Have you heard about Tetra Society?
With local volunteers, Tetra builds innovative solutions for people with physical disabilities to overcome environmental barriers, providing greater independence, quality of life, and inclusion. Tetra Society has volunteers with diverse backgrounds and skillsets who modify, adapt, or build customized devices that are either cost prohibitive or not commercially available. Learn more at https://tetrasociety.org/
What is Grief Stories?
“A health care expert hosts the Grief Stories podcast interviewing real people and other professionals about their stories of loss, the challenges of grief and what helps find hope and healing. We offer a range of resources to help grievers explore and express their own grief stories, and to connect with the stories of others, helping them feel less alone.” Check them out at https://www.griefstories.org/.
It’s here! It’s really here!!! Can you solve the attached puzzle – Spring Pass it on?
March 21 is International Day of Forests
How to Survive in the Forest: Nine Survival Skills Everyone Should Know
On This Date – March 23
1743 – Composer George Frideric Handel’s oratorio Messiah made its premiere in London. The piece remains one of the best-known choral works in Western music.
1839 - The initials OK first appeared in The Boston Morning Post.
1918 – The German Army began shelling Paris from a distance of 74 miles using three huge Paris Guns. Although they were terrifying, the Paris Guns achieved little military significance.
2001 – After 15 years in orbit, the Russian space station Mir, meaning “peace,” safely splashed down into the Pacific Ocean. First launched by the Soviet Union in 1986, the aging spacecraft had hosted 125 astronauts from 12 different nations.
100 years ago a group of explorers sponsored by the Buenos Aires Zoo traveled to Patagonia to confirm the existence of a large creature spotted in a lake in Chubut Province. Locals reported the existence of a long-necked plesiosaurus-like creature similar to Scotland’s Loch Ness monster. Still other reports described the creature as resembling two other prehistoric beasts, a glyptodon or megatherium. Unfortunately, the zoo officials never saw the beast.
Word Scramble
Mythical creature with a lion’s body and eagle’s head and wings
Buy a Vowel
C _ V _ L _ _ R
Showing a lack of proper concern
Riddle Me This
You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How can this be?
Where Am I?
Scroll to the bottom for the answers!
National Chocolate-Covered Raisin Day - March 24
Did you know…
March 25 is Greek Independence Day – A national celebration of Greek democracy, it is the anniversary of the beginning of the Greek revolution against the Ottoman Empire in 1821. Greece attained independence in 1829. Get out your hummus, watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding and tackle the attached All Things Greek scrabble puzzle!
March 26 marks the beginning of the Saints and Sinners LGBTQ Literary Festival, an event in New Orleans that celebrates LGBTQ authors and highlights issues facing the community. Consider reading one of these for your book club this month: https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/learning/books-by-lgbtq-authors
Word Scramble GRIFFIN
Buy a Vowel CAVALIER
Riddle Me This All the people on the boat are married
Where Am I? Sherwood Forest
Check out our Facebook Page
“Archwood 55 Plus Inc.”
Why shouldn't you trust news from a raisin?
It's not currant
What do you call a grape that doesn’t like to compromise?
♥ Krista
From: Bughao, Sheila <SBughao@winnipeg.ca> Subject: City Library News
Thank you in advance and have a good day!
Sharing on behalf of the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba.
From: Emily Kinnaird <EKinnaird@alzheimer.mb.ca> Subject: Dementia Care 2022-2023 Registration Now Open!
Registration for Dementia Care 2022-2023 is now open! You, and your colleagues, can register through the following link: https://secure2.convio.net/alzmb/site/SPageNavigator/Calendar%20Events/Dementia%20Care/Dementia%20Care/DementiaCare2022Home.html
We appreciate your interest, and request your assistance in passing along this information to your colleagues.
Take Care,
From WRHA:
Good day,
There has been a lot of discussion recently on the latest lifting of public health restrictions. The messaging from public health has been that the province is shifting from requirements to recommendations. Many businesses/agencies/organizations, including Support Services to Seniors, will choose to keep vaccine and mask requirements as well as continue with screening, PPE and IP&C practices based on their programs and services offered in the community. As you know, this is be a board and/or leadership decision based on each organization’s capacity (i.e. implement, scan of their older adult population served, physical capacity/size, etc.).
I am sending the below links for your information:
Healthcare facilities will be following the below memos currently:
Community Health Agencies that provide primary care service they will continue to follow:
Shared Health Covid 19 resources for health care providers and staff
As always, please continue to view the Shared Health website and Manitoba Government website regularly as updates occur often.
You can also contact your local Public Health Inspector for guidance if needed.
Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss further if/when needed. Each SSS agency has showed true strength, innovation, resilience and a true sense of community during this time. Support Services to Seniors wishes to extend a round of applause and thank each of you for your continued efforts, especially in these last two years, as we all navigate and pivot with the ever changing needs in the community.
Thank you,
Kathy Henderson, (she, her)BSW, RSW
Healthy Aging and Seniors Care Specialist | Support Services to Seniors
Rehabilitation, Healthy Aging & Seniors Care Services
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Deer Lodge Centre: A 121 - 2109 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 0L3
Tel: 204.791.2066
Hosted by the City of Winnipeg (Shared by WRHA)
March 21 – 24, 2022
We are excited to announce the Anti-Racism Speaker Series to spotlight equity, diversity, and inclusion experts who are doing important work to help address and educate on issues of racism in Winnipeg and across Canada. The Anti-Racism Speaker Series is brought to by the Human Rights Committee of Council and the City’s HR-Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion team.
We are launching the series on March 21, which marks the United Nations’ International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This day, and every day, calls on each of us to stand up against racial prejudice, intolerant attitudes, and oppressive systems.
Registration is not required:
Access WEBPAGE and LINK to join the Speakers Series sessions at the scheduled times above:
Indigenous Relations
City of Winnipeg
We received our first shipment of rapid Antigen Tests against COVID from the Canadian Red Cross. Come to the club to pick up your free 5 test kit while supplies last.
Program Description: The goal of this stream is to provide individuals and families with a tool to manage their risks and health decisions in the pandemic, in addition to getting vaccinated and following other public health measures. Best regards,
Bill Bees, President
Archwood 55 Plus
Archwood 55 Plus Inc is a non-profit organization serving seniors 55 plus located at 565 Guilbault Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 0R2