55 Plus Blog;
We will post news that is relevant to our membership here.
You are invited to our Opening Event on Tuesday, May 2, 1-2 pm in the Carol Shields Auditorium, located alongside the exhibit on the 2nd floor of the library.
See the poster below.
may 2 opening ENG.pdf
"Join us to listen to a speaker and then discuss ideas related to the topic."
CRISP stands for Creative, Relevant, Intelligent, Social and Positive.
Friday, April 28 from 1 - 2 pm at Riverview Community Centre, 90 Ashland Ave. COST: $5 at the door.
Speaker: Linda Olsen, Master Composter and Volunteer Speaker for the Green Action Centre.
Topic: Compost Basics
- What is composting?
- Why is it important?
- How do you compost?
RBC Convention Centre
375 York Ave.
April 19, 2023 from 6:30 to 9:00 pm
Phone: 204-237-4821 after 10:00 am
Cribbage Night - No cost!
Heather Curling Club 120 Youville St.
All skills welcomed.
Usually try to do 4 player crib games where winners move on to a new table but no one stays with the same partner
Venue has a established bar & restaurant , they take cash & debit .
You’re allowed to bring your own water.
Just a fun evening of cards and getting to meet people.
6 WEEK virtual PROGRAM
The program is specifically designed for people with osteoporosis.
Weekly sessions are 1.5 hours from Thursday, April 13 to May 18 and go in depth on related subjects including: bone health, diagnosis, nutrition, medications, exercise, fall prevention, and living well.
Program is free. Access to Zoom is required. To register or find out more: EMAIL: manitoba@osteoporosis.ca or CALL: 1-800-463-6842 ext 2470
Senior Centre Without Walls through A & O: Support Services for Older Adults offers free educational and recreational programs over the phone. The program reaches out to socially isolated older adults 55+ living in Manitoba. Individuals and groups are welcome. There is no cost to register. We will call in all registered participants 10 minutes before programming begins. Participants will also be given a toll free number to access programs on their own if needed (no pins or access codes required).
Please view our current Program Guide in the attachment provided, which is now live on our website at https://www.aosupportservices.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/AO-SCWW-Volume-20-SPRING-2023-WEBSITE.pdf
In our guide you will find the following topics plus a whole lot more!
Phone: 204-956-6440 in Winnipeg
Toll-free: 1-888-333-3121
Email: info@aosupportservices.ca
Zoom Support Meeting - Understanding and Coping with Tinnitus - Wednesday, April 12 from 7- 8 pm TOPIC: Habituation
Hard of Hearing Support Group Meeting - Transcona Senior Centre, 328 Whitter Ave W. - Monday, April 17 from 1 - 2:30 pm TOPIC: What Learning to Speechread Can do for You
Hard of Hearing ZOOM Support Group Meeting - Monday, April 17 from 7 - 8 pm Silence No More power point presentation continued TOPIC: What Places and Things Cause Stress Because of Hearing Loss
To register please email chhamanitoba@outlook.com
Archwood 55 Plus Inc is a non-profit organization serving seniors 55 plus located at 565 Guilbault Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 0R2