Doors open at 12 pm; Cash only at the door
20 games; $10 per book
Bingo under Manitoba Gaming and Cannabis License LGCA 5635-BI-38883.
Bingo Program -put on by Archwood 55 Plus Inc. Archwood Community Center on February 22, 2023 (Prizes are 50% of total cards sales divided by 20 games)
Game 1 - Pink Card 1. One line anyway. 2. Two lines anyway.
Game 2 - Aqua Card 1. Diagonal line or Letter V anyway. 2. Capital Letter X.
Game 3 - Purple Card 1. One line anyway or four corners. 2. One line anyway AND four corners.
Game 4 - Lime Card 1. One postage stamp in any corner. 2. Two postage stamps in any corner.
Game 5 - Peach Card 1. The capital Letter T. 2. Full house (black out). Intermission
Game 6 - Orange Card 1. One Postage stamp in any corner. 2. Block of nine anywhere.
Game 7 - Brown Card 1. Upright capital letter T 2. All four outside lines
Game 8 - Grey Card 1. Four corners 2. Four corners and a postage stamp in any corner
Game 9 - Navy Card 1. Small cross (+) 2. Large cross
Game 10 – Yellow Card 1. Wee house 2. Full house (black out)
Archwood 55 Plus Bingo House Rules Bingo games and Breakopen Games will be conducted in accordance with the Manitoba Liquor Games & Cannabis Authority of Manitoba.
1. Minimum age is 18 years and older.
2. Volunteers are allowed to play as long as they are not involved in calling the game or verifying winners of the games.
3. Criteria to win the game will be announced prior to each game such as: single line, blackout, diagonals and 4 corners. There will be no consolation prize.
4. Time limit for cashing in breakopen tickets will be 30-days.
5. Breakopen tickets can only be cashed in at Archwood 55 Plus Inc. where they are sold.
6. Bingo balls will be displayed on a tray so any player can inspect the balls. Before the start of play at the event.
7. Bingo product must be marked so that a) numbers can be read and b) product can not be reused.
8. The number of the bingo ball will be called out by the caller before the ball is considered to be in play.
9. Players have the right to confirm accuracy of the numbers called or displayed against the balls in the tray. If there is a discrepancy, only the balls on the tray are considered correct.
10. When a player calls “bingo”: a) no further numbers will be called until all bingos are checked and, b) the bingo machine will be left on unless the next available ball is trapped.
11. To confirm that a player is a winner, the checker will move the bingo sheet or card from in front of the player who has called out “bingo” and place it so that it is visible to other players. The checker then: a) calls out the covered numbers of the required pattern on the card or sheet to the caller.
12. After the sheet or card of any player who called out “Bingo” has been checked and a winner confirmed, the caller will clearly ask if anyone else has a bingo to be checked and state that it is the last call. If no other player asks for a bingo to be checked the caller will clearly state that the game is closed and the balls shall be dropped from the tray into the bingo machine.