Monday, May 1, 2023
8:45 a.m.–4 p.m. (Central time)
Bannatyne Campus | University of Manitoba
Frederic Gaspard Theatre A | Basic Medical Sciences Building
745 Bannatyne Avenue | Winnipeg MB
The Centre on Aging's will take place in a hybrid format. Join us in person or virtually. There is no cost to attend the Symposium, but registration is required.
This year's sessions will reflect on the Centre's history at the University of Manitoba over the past 40 years. Additional sessions will focus on cannabis use and the older adult, COVID's effects on older people and in personal care homes, and cohort studies in aging. Sessions will take place in person and will simultaneously be streamed live online.
Scheduled presenters
- Drugs and the older adult – A long and winding road—Dr. Daniel Sitar
- Mobility in older adults–A mobility framework’s travels around the world—Dr. Sandra Webber
- Assumptions, explorations and implications: The science and uncertainties of cannabis use in older adults—Dr. Jamison Falk
- COVID in the House of Old project and exhibit—Dr. Megan Davies
- Manitoba PCH situation during the pandemic—Dr. Laura Funk and Dr. Mary Shariff
- Cohort studies of health—Dr. Philip St. John
Register for the Symposium: