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Accessible Transportation Standard Regulation 60-Day Public Consultation

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 9:32 AM | Anonymous

Accessible Transportation Standard Regulation 60-Day Public Consultation

Whether you are a person with a disability, a community organization, a municipality, or a transportation provider (or other person/organization), we want your feedback.

The Accessible Transportation Standard Regulation is the fourth of five standards under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA).  The AMA sets out a path to remove, reduce and prevent barriers through the development of accessibility standards in five fundamental areas of daily living.

In 2020, the Accessibility Advisory Council (Council) made their recommendations on an Accessible Transportation Standard to the Minister of Families.  In developing their recommendations, the Council sought advice from a standard development committee, as well as comments from the public and community disability organizations.

The Manitoba government is pleased to present its draft Accessible Transportation Standard Regulation for public feedback, based on recommendations from the Council.

You can read the draft standard and FAQ’s at the Manitoba Regulatory Consultation Portal.

Provide Your Feedback


Visit the EngageMB website for an opportunity to provide feedback on the new Accessibility Transportation Standard.

Participate in a Webinar

The Manitoba Accessibility Office is hosting a Zoom webinar on March 22nd, 2023, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. to hear your feedback on the proposed Accessible Transportation Standard.

The webinar will provide an overview of the standard and offer the opportunity to provide your perspective and ask questions.

ASL interpretation and close captioning will be available during the webinar and a recording will be available to those unable to participate in real-time on the AccessibilityMB.ca website.

Click the Zoom link to join the webinar on March 22nd, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. CST.

Submission Deadline:

Submissions on the Accessible Transportation Standard are welcome until:  April 9, 2023.

Share Your Story

We’re interested in hearing from all Manitobans, including people with disabilities, persons with long-term health conditions or illness, seniors, caregivers, family, friends, and natural supports and others interested in this area.  It helps us plan for future initiatives, such as public awareness campaigns and targeted educational and compliance activities.  Use the story tool on EngageMB or email your story to MAO@gov.mb.ca.

If you have any questions, require this information in an alternate format, or would prefer to provide your comments by phone, email or mail, please contact the Manitoba Accessibility Office (formerly the Disabilities Issues Office):

Manitoba Accessibility Office

630 - 240 Graham Avenue

Winnipeg MB  R3C 0J7

Phone:  204-945-7613, Toll-free:  1-800-282-8069, Ext. 7613

Email:  MAO@gov.mb.ca (External link)

Thank you.

Manitoba Accessibility Office

Families Department

Province of Manitoba

630 – 240 Graham Avenue

Winnipeg MB  R3C 0J7

Tel:  204-945-7613 / Fax:  204-948-2896

Email:  MAO@gov.mb.ca


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Archwood 55 Plus Inc is a non-profit organization serving seniors 55 plus located at  565 Guilbault Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R2J 0R2

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