Blog posts

Fundraiser with Ron Paul Garden Centre

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 9:01 AM | Anonymous

Archwood 55 Plus Inc. 2022 Fundraiser with Ron Paul Garden Centre

Purchase holiday poinsettias and gift cards from Ron Paul Garden Centre.  Your purchases will help raise funds to support our club and keep us going strong!


1) Phoning the Ron Paul Garden Centre; or 2) personally going into the Centre.

  • 1)     PHONE: 204 -257-2893 AND PRESS 1 to speak to staff to place your order.  Pay over the phone, using a credit card.  Or pay in person when picking up your order.
  • 2)     DRIVE to Ron Paul Garden Centre address: 2641 ST. MARY’S ROAD, Winnipeg (south of the perimeter). Pay in person using cash, debit, credit or Ron Paul Garden Centre gift cards.

Note: For each order, (phone or in-person), be sure to tell them that this is an order for the Archwood 55 Plus Fundraiser.

HOLIDAY POINSETTIAS (6 inch potted plant)

Price per plant: $20.00 (Includes tax).  Three colours available: red, white or pink. Order early to get your favorite colour! 

NOTE: Deadline for poinsettia purchases: Wednesday, December 14/22.

GIFT CARDS (Cards have no expiry date)

Purchase for any dollar value and use to buy any product for sale at Ron Paul Garden Centre. 

NOTE: Deadline for gift card purchases: Thursday, December 22/22.

Holiday Extended Hours of operation: Mon-Sat: 9 am-9pm and Sun: 9am-6pm

Archwood 55 Plus Inc is a non-profit organization serving seniors 55 plus located at  565 Guilbault Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R2J 0R2

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